Parts & Service
Maine’s largest appliance service department
If you purchased your appliance from Agren, our dedicated service team is ready to repair your in-warranty and out-of-warranty appliances bought at any of our locations. Our technicians will order the necessary parts and conduct the repair directly at your home, ensuring a seamless experience for you.
Looking for parts?
Changes to retail parts sales
In response to manufacturer delays, the increase in availability of parts online, and other factors, we have made the decision to discontinue retail parts sales at our retail locations. To ensure you’re able to get the parts you need, we have partnered with Marcone, one of the leading parts suppliers in the U.S. With this partnership, Agren customers can order parts through Marcone’s online and phone support.
How to get parts
To order your own parts, contact Marcone’s support line at 1-800-464-9203. Their expert team can help research and order the parts you require.
Should your appliance require a part for a brand not affiliated with Marcone, we recommend contacting the manufacturer of your appliance. For additional questions about ordering parts for your Agren appliances, don’t hesitate to contact us, and we’ll be delighted to assist you in connecting with the right team.
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